Atlas Aotearoa (3rd Edition)

Price: $37.38 (Excluding GST)

Authors: Penny Rowland, Jacinda Andrews, Jonette Surridge& Stuart Ward


Published: by Pearson New Zealand

Format: Paperback

Pages: 56

Atlas Aotearoa is a resource atlas for social studies students and Junior Geography classes.

Each map has been carefully designed to provide students with easy-to-understand information on a range of topics in the settings of New Zealand, the Pacific, and the World. The thematic approach and visually appealing presentation create a high-interest resource that will stimulate enthusiasm for learning about New Zealand and the settings of New Zealand, the Pacific, and the World.

The thematic approach and visually appealing presentation create a high-interest resource that will stimulate enthusiasm for learning about New Zealand and the wider world.

Teachers will and a wealth of information that can form the basis for many classroom activities. The maps and information can also be used to extend topics already being studied within an existing teaching program.

Code: 9780582547650

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