You Can Spell 1: Your First 100 Word, 2nd edition
Author: Peter De Ath
Publisher: Pearson
Format: Paperback
Suitable: Primary
You Can Spell Book 1 will help children learn to spell 100
of the most commonly used words in the English language the words that make up
about half of everything written.
It contains fun activities that introduce these words, and
it shows children how to spell, literally from the word go! (With a little help
from teacher and parents.)
The You Can Spell series has been a popular resource in New
Zealand schools since the early 1990s. It has now been revised, with new
activities, new lists (including, for example, 'digital') and a bright new
presentation but it is still based on original research, a mastery learning
programme and the 3700 most frequently used words in English (the words that
make up more than 95% of all writing).
Code: 9780582543990